ALMS Annual Report

Find out more about the Alberta Lake Management Society’s current programs and successes in our 2014-15 Annual Report.

Download ALMS Annual Report 2014-2015

Posted in Policy

Got your feet wet sampling with an AWQA kit?


You can now upload your AWQA kit results here!

Over 1000 people have participated in sampling events for 2015! Great work!

Thank you to the Government of Alberta, EPCOR and TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding this program. You can read the new AWQA Water Quality Snapshot here.

Posted in Education, Monitoring, Outreach

Beaver River Watershed Alliance Invasive Aquatic Plant Workshop

Sunday July 26 at 1pm, the Beaver River Watershed Alliance is hosting an aquatic plant workshop at their office in Bonnyville and at Jessie Lake.

If you’re in the area, come join us for a presentation on invasive plant identificatBRWA office Bonnyvilleion tips and a hands-on plant collection demonstration down at Jessie Lake!

Committed volunteers will receive a sampling package so they can monitor their lake for plants throughout the summer and submit their collected plants to ALMS. Submitted samples may be sent to the University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium for permanent record!

If you would like to attend, please register with the BRWA by contacting Chantelle at

Posted in Education, Outreach

Call for Alberta Water Council Project Team Rep

The Water Conservation, Efficiency and Productivity initiative will begin the fourth phase of its work. ALMS has had a representative on the past three phases and is looking for someone to represent the Lake Environment Conservation sector on this working group.

The working group will develop a terms of reference to guide a project team in achieving the outcomes outlined in phase three of the Water Conservation, Efficiency and Productivity initiative. Extensive background information on this initiative is available on the AWC website ( The working groups meeting dates will be determined once the membership is confirmed, though is expected to have the first meeting in mid-July, in Edmonton at the AWC office.

Expectations of Representative:
–          Represent a particular stakeholder organization or sector, not personal perspectives;
–          Come prepared for meetings, (i.e., reading pre-meeting material, completing homework assignments and being able to negotiate on behalf of their sector);
–          Make constructive contributions that advance the team’s goals and objectives, and help others to do the same;
–          Report regularly to their sector;
–          Brief their sector’s Director regularly, including prior to the team’s report and recommendations being presented to the Board;
–          As appropriate, participate in briefing ALMS;
–          Liaise with their sector’s participants on the Board and other Council teams to maximize synergy, ensure coordination, and prevent duplication by keeping each other informed;
–          Follow the rules and principles of consensus decision making.

–          Approximately four months. Representatives may want to consider participating on the project team that will follow the working group.
–          Two to three full-day meetings, with possibly some hours required between meetings to review and comment on materials (e.g. draft terms of reference).

If you are an ALMS member and interested in this project please contact Arin by June 18.

Posted in Policy

Workshop Registration Now Open

Innovation. Collaboration. Adaptation.

Join us in Stony Plain on September 24 & 25 for the 22nd ALMS Annual Workshop.

Come and learn what is new in lake management. This workshop will showcase innovations in science, policy and stewardship. Hosted by Parkland County we will highlight how lakes in this region are undertaking lake management and their success at collaboration. We want workshop attendees to better understand how innovations and collaboration can lead to adaptive management of lake watersheds.

Stay tuned for our exciting line-up of speakers and field tour locations! Visit the workshop homepage to register.

Posted in Policy

Aquatic Plant Workshop at Lac La Nonne

This Saturday (June 13th), the Lac La Nonne Enhancement and Protection Association is hosting an aquatic plant workshop at the Willowbend Resort at 1pm.Map to Lac La Nonne Workshop

If you’re in the area, come join us for a presentation on invasive plant identification tips and a hands-on plant collection demonstration down at the lake!

Committed volunteers will receive a sampling package so they can monitor their lake for plants throughout the summer and submit their collected plants to ALMS. Submitted samples may be sent to the University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium for permanent record!



Posted in Policy

Pigeon Lake Nutrient Budget Released

Recent concerns over increased frequency and intensity of cyanobacterial blooms on Pigeon Lake has prompted intense study of the lake and its watershed. In 2013 work was done to characterize water quality, sediment quality, and non-fish biota. This data was then used to create a nutrient budget for lake and to undertake a BATHTUB model to explore future management options. The available reports are listed below:

A paleolimnology report and a presentation on the modelling are forthcoming.

Many thanks to everyone who supported this work, it was a group effort by ESRD, ALMS, and PLWA. This was an investment of nearly $200,000 in funding and hundreds of hours in design, management, collection, analysis and write-up and should provide a solid foundation for current and future work being undertaken or considered by stakeholders at Pigeon Lake.

More information on the Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan can be found at:

Posted in Policy

Municipal Government Act Review Submission

The Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS) is providing these comments to the province regarding the Municipal Government Act (MGA) Review.  We intend that our input into the MGA could improve management of lake and environmental resources. We emphasize that a priority is to see clarity around municipalities’ powers to regulate for watershed and lake health, including the need to manage non-point source pollution.

Generally, ALMS supports that the MGA include and expand as follows:

1.       Include protection and management of the environment as a valid municipal planning purpose,

2.       Include by-law purposes specific to environmental matters,

3.       Expand municipal enforcement tools,

4.       Expand revenue generation powers, and

5.       Improve public participation in municipal decision-making.

MGA amendments are also required to ensure adjoining municipalities are not undermining their adjacent municipality’s environmental outcomes when shared environmental components are concerned (i.e. water, air, wildlife). This may fall under intermunicipal development plans.

Specific Concerns

Specifically ALMS is concerned that the MGA provisions regarding “environmental reserves” need significant clarification to enable municipalities to better regulate and control land uses adjacent to water bodies and watercourses, and manage environmentally sensitive or significant landscapes such as natural drainage courses, coulees, wetlands, and riparian lands.


ALMS MGA Submission 2014

Posted in Policy

Aquatic Invasive Species Update

Read the update on the ongoing provincial Aquatic Invasive Species program (spoiler alert: they’ve got sniffer dogs!).

Remember you can contact ALMS for tools to monitor for the presence of invasive mussels at your lake and we can help you identify submerged plant species if you suspect you have Eurasian Watermilfoil. Contact us for more information

Posted in Policy

Alberta Health Recreational Water Monitoring Results

Each summer Alberta Health Services (AHS) conducts routine water sampling of recreational waters to identify water quality problems and manage any associated health risks.  Samples are tested for feacal coliforms, cyanobacterial cell counts and microcystin concentrations. In 2013, AHS monitored 37 lakes, which included 55 public beaches, across the province. This report summarizes the findings from 2013 and has information on the 2014 program.

Download Report Here

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