2023 Scholarship Recipient Tara Lepine
Aquatic sciences form the basis of the sound management of lakes and their watersheds. ALMS has created a scholarship to encourage and support students in disciplines related to lake or watershed management. Full time senior undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at Canadian universities or colleges are eligible to apply. The scholarship is intended to support students in the aquatic sciences, and related disciplines, and promote the objectives of the Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS). The amount offered is $2000 Canadian.
A scholarship review committee appointed by the Board of Directors will review applications and award the scholarship. A combination of the following factors will be considered: academic achievement, major field of study, a statement of career goals, and relevance of the course of study to the objectives of ALMS.
The recipient will be expected to address the Annual General Meeting in the fall to present a progress report on research undertaken, or another topic of mutual interest. The scholarship funds may be spent at the discretion of the award recipient.
Application Guidelines
A call for applications for the 2025 scholarship will be posted shortly! Stay tuned!
Please view the Application Guidelines PDF for information on what to include in your submission. If you’d like to advertise this posting, feel free to use our Scholarship Poster. Applicants should be enrolled in their educational program in September of the scholarship year.
Please email your application directly to ALMS info@alms.ca.
If you have any challenges with your application, please call (780) 702-ALMS or email us at info@alms.ca.
Past Recipients
Recipient | Year Awarded | Program Title |
Renz Layugan | 2024 | Characterizing spatiotemporal dynamics and predictors of cyanobacterial blooms in Alberta. |
Tara Lepine | 2023 | An experimental test of the potential for Bull Trout conservation translocations, via instream incubation capsules, in Alberta. |
Ceilidh Welch | 2022 | Assessing the Reliability of a Community-Based Approach to qPCR Water Monitoring. |
Ferdous Nawar | 2021 | Implication of winter ice cover physical/optical properties on basal productivity and associated hydro-chemical gradients in seasonally ice-covered temperate lakes in Alberta. |
Sydney Huculak | 2020 | Identifying the limiting nutrients driving stream eutrophication within Alberta’s agricultural watersheds. |
Sebastian Theis | 2019 | Assessing Habitat Enhancements to Improve the Restoration and Development of Northern Boreal Lakes. |
Sydney Rudko | 2018 | Development, Implementation, and Assessment of qPCR Field Diagnostic Methodologies within a Citizen Science Framework for Monitoring Biological Hazards in Recreational Water. |
Kate Keenan | 2017 | Impacts of climate and environmental change on zooplankton community structures in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. |
Laura Redmond | 2016 | Assessment of climatic adaptation by alpine plankton. |
Michelle Gordy | 2015 | Ecological modelling of snail and trematode communities to understand swimmer’s itch transmission in Alberta lakes. |
Lisa Brodziak | 2014 | Water Quality Assessment and Management Options for Isle Lake and Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. |
Michelle Gordy | 2013 | Environmental factors and their effects on swimmer’s itch transmission dynamics in Alberta lakes. |
Lauren Bortolotti | 2012 | Whole-ecosystem recovery of prairie pothole wetlands. |
Megan MacLennan | 2011 | Interactions between multiple stressors in freshwater lake communities: Can fish predation negate climate warming effects? |
Sarah Lord | 2010 | Patterns of mercury contamination in Common Loons and fishes near a local source of atmospheric mercury pollution. |
Justin Hanisch | 2009 | Effects of stocked trout on the native food webs, forage fish and invertebrates of boreal foothills lakes. |
Nathan Ballard | 2008 | Internal phosphorus generation from lake sediments in Alberta prairie lakes. |
Vanessa Phillips | 2007 | High Mountain Lakes as Indicators for Global Change. |
Heather Boyd | 2006 | Regime Shifts in Shallow Prairie Lakes. |
Danielle Cobbaert | 2005 | Effects of phosphorus on submerged macrophytes and planktonic food webs in Boreal Lakes. |
Steph Neufeld | 2004 | Land conversion and its effect on stream nutrients and macroinvertebrate diversity. |
Fiona Johnson | 2003 | Sustainability of Bull Trout in Lower Kananaskis Lake. |