Summer LakeKeepers

What is Summer LakeKeepers?

Summer LakeKeepers allows volunteers to independently monitor lakes or reservoirs for parameters important to ecological health.

Training manuals and monitoring equipment are sent to LakeKeepers to collect data from their lake or reservoir.

Equipment provided includes:

  • Bottle Set
  • Chlorophyll-a Filtration Kit
  • YSI Pro ODO meter for temperature and dissolved oxygen
  • Tape and Weight
  • Secchi Disk
  • Field sheets
  • Instruction guide

Samples are shipped back to the Alberta Lake Management Society office in Edmonton for analysis and reporting. Once the samples are analyzed, all of the data and field sheet information is compiled into a report. Links to the current reports are below:

If you would like to volunteer with Summer LakeKeepers, contact ALMS at or 780-702-2567.

Project Completed with Financial Support from:

Round Up for the Outdoors | Bass Pro Shops Outdoor Fund







New Volunteers:

INSTRUCTION GUIDE: Before getting involved with LakeKeepers, all volunteers should review the LakeKeepers instruction guide.
FIELD SHEETS: Volunteers can print additional field sheets here. Field sheets will also be provided in the sampling kits.
INFORMED CONSENT: Please complete the informed consent form below.
WHAT TO DO WITH SAMPLES: Please refer to the Summer LakeKeepers field manual for shipping instructions and the shipping slip included in your kit.

SECCHI DEPTH TUTORIAL: In 2022, the Pigeon Lake Watershed Association collaborated with ALMS to develop a training video on how to measure Secchi depth on a lake.

2024 Summer LakeKeepers Training Webinar: ALMS hosted a training webinar to review sampling protocol, calibration methods and shipping logistics. 

Current volunteers must complete the volunteer hours on their field sheet – don’t forget to write the hours down on the field sheet before sending it back to us!

If you still need assistance – please phone ALMS for help at 780-702-2567.

Informed Consent:

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