Invasive Aquatic Plants

In 2014 ALMS received support from Alberta ESRD and the University of Alberta Vascular Herbarium to develop an aquatic plant monitoring program, monitor macrophyte diversity and to identify any occurrences of invasive aquatic plants in Alberta’s lakes.

The program involves several components – intensive surveys, high-risk area surveys and workshops for citizen involvement.

Intensive surveys include three rigorous sampling trips to three high-risk recreational lakes.

High-risk surveys can include full littoral surveys of highly recreational lakes or selective surveys focused on areas likely to be exposed to aquatic invaders such as boat launches, inflows and outflows, docks and marinas.

Aquatic Invasive Plants have become a rising concern in Alberta throughout the years. Currently there is only one invasive plant species known in few Alberta lakes – Flowering rush.

In addition there are 3 other aquatic weeds of concern as they have greatly affected lakes throughout the USA as well as BC and Eastern Canada.

  • Eurasian Water-milfoil
  • Curly leaf pond-weed
  • Hydrilla

Other aquatic invasive species of concern including submerged and shoreline plant species and invasive mussels can be seen below:

  • Salt Cedar Salt Cedar
  • purpleloosetrife1 purpleloosetrife1
  • Hydrilla Hydrilla
  • Flowering Rush3_good Flowering Rush3_good
  • CurlyleavedPondweed1 CurlyleavedPondweed1
  • eurasianwatermilfoil1 eurasianwatermilfoil1
  • HimBalsam2 HimBalsam2
  • salt cedar 2 salt cedar 2
  • purpleloostrife2 purpleloostrife2
  • FloweringRush3 FloweringRush3
  • HimBalsam1 HimBalsam1
  • curly-leaf-pondweed curly-leaf-pondweed
  • FloweringRush2 FloweringRush2

If you see any of these invasive plants:

  • Call the 24/7 AIS hotline 1-855-336-BOAT
  • Inform your local county
  • Consult local and provincial government about removal of small infestations
  • Contact ALMS for an invasive plant survey

In order to prevent the spread of these plants into Alberta lakes we need all eyes on the ground to watch for any occurrences on our lakes. If you would like to volunteer for a macrophyte survey on your lake, let us know!


With the help of our volunteers we were able to survey 10 lakes in 2014!

Read the results of our 2014 intensive surveys here