
Lake Stewardship Community of Practice

The Lake Stewardship Community of Practice is hosted by the Alberta Lake Management Society and supported by the Land Stewardship Centre of Canada.

WHAT: The objectives of the Community of Practice are to connect, invigorate, and engage Alberta’s lake watershed stewards. Our vision is a province where lake stewards are present, respected, connected, and knowledgeable stakeholders who are able to undertake community level action to advocate for healthy lakes for Alberta’s future.

HOW: In order to achieve this vision, ALMS is coordinating quarterly virtual meetings where lake stewards can network, share information, and feel a part of a community. This Community of Practice is open to anyone with an interest in lake stewardship. If you would like to become a part of the Community, you can sign up for a free ALMS membership, here.

View a recording from our most recent Community of Practice meeting on Lake Recreation with Diana Piquette, here:

Previous meetings: