Lake Stewardship Community of Practice

The Lake Stewardship Community of Practice is hosted by the Alberta Lake Management Society and supported by the Land Stewardship Centre of Canada.

WHAT: The objectives of the Community of Practice are to connect, invigorate, and engage Alberta’s lake watershed stewards. Our vision is a province where lake stewards are present, respected, connected, and knowledgeable stakeholders who are able to undertake community level action to advocate for healthy lakes for Alberta’s future.

HOW: In order to achieve this vision, ALMS is coordinating quarterly virtual meetings where lake stewards can network, share information, and feel a part of a community. This Community of Practice is open to anyone with an interest in lake stewardship. If you would like to become a part of the Community, you can sign up for a free ALMS membership, here.

View a recording from our most recent Community of Practice meeting on Waves, Wakes, and Shoreline Erosion, here:

Previous meetings:

May 2022Community Engagement featuring Blake Bartlett of the Wizard Lake Watershed Stewardship Society
July 2022Advocating for your Lake featuring Don Davidson and Catherine Pierce of the Pigeon Lake Watershed Association
September 2022Lake Management SWOT Analysis
February 2023High and Low Lake Water Levels: featuring Kellie Nichiporik of the Moose Lake Watershed Society and Peter Cordingley of the Muriel Lake Basin Management Society
July 2023In Lake Treatment: featuring Richard Normandeau of the Half Moon Lake Residents Association
November 2023Lake Watershed Stewardship Groups - Challenges and Opportunities featuring Sturgeon Lake Stewards, Healthy Waters Lac la Biche, and Cooking Lake Moraine Stewardship Society
May 2024In Person Lake Stewardship Community of Practice Forum - Issues and Solutions
February 2025Lake Recreation: Wakes, Noise Pollution, and Carrying Capacity featuring Diana Piquette from Safe Quiet Lakes
March 2025Waves, Waves, and Shoreline Erosion with Dr. Chris Houser