
2014 Exploring the Past, Planning for the Future


Thank you to everyone who made this workshop possible – our speakers, attendees, our field tour stops, our sponsors, and the Lesser Slave Watershed Council! View the program agenda, speaker bios, and presentation abstracts here.

Available 2014 Presentations:

Session 1: Slave Lake - Alberta's Biggest Recreational Lake
Stephanie Neufeld and Bradley Peter - ALMSWelcome and Introduction
Myles Brown - ESRDLesser Slave Ecology - Fish and Water
Meghan Payne - LSWCThe LSWC and Watershed Planning
Session 2: Tools for Better Lake Management
Nathan Ballard - ESRDPaleolimnology of Lesser Slave - A Changing Lake
Dave Trew - NSWABATHTUB Modeling and Applications to Lake Management Planning
Ron Zurawell - AEMERAAEMERA: The Future of Lake Monitoring in Alberta?
Session 3: Information Supporting Lake Management
Tom Habib - ABMIEcosystem Services Assessment Project
Ryan van der Marel - Living Lakes CanadaSensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM)
Dörte Köster - Hutchinson EnvironmentalPigeon and Wabamun Paleolimnology: Historical Context for Lake Management
Session 4: Lake Management Policy
Thorsten Hebben - ESRDApplication of the New Wetland Policy - How Will it Help Alberta's Lakes?
Dave Mussell - ESRDAlberta's Lake Management Framework
Session 6: Facilitating a Stewardship Ethic
Jenna Curtis - LSNWatershed Community Engagement: How to Create and Operate a Successful Stewardship Organization*
Monika Benoit - PCBFWatersherd Stewardship in the Farming Community
Sharina Kennedy - ESRDFrom Awareness to Action: Building Environmental Literacy from the Ground Up

*Stewardship Toolbox available soon – check out the Land Stewardship Network for updates!


Thank you to our Sponsors!

Sponsorship Form and Information
